Gain Insights on CBSE's Latest Circulars

CBSE Circulars

The Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) is a national-level education board in India for numerous private schools and public schools. The Indian Union Government operates the board. Apart from the educational institutes in India, there are CBSE-affiliated schools in 28 other countries.

For such institutes and their stakeholders, the board releases various annual circulars related to examination, admission, stakeholder information, scholarships, finance, affiliation, skill education, SOPs, etc. All these circulars are made available on the official websites. 

CBSE Circular Portal

CBSE circular portals are the websites designated to provide valuable circulars for the people. One of the significant portals among them is SARAS.



SARAS stands for School Affiliation Re-Engineered Automation System. This innovative CBSE affiliation system has been re-engineered to ensure greater effectiveness in affiliations. The system is entirely digital system and requires very less human intervention. This online affiliation system into effect in March 2021.


How to Access SARAS?

For the affiliation process, a user has to visit the SARAS official website  and follow the steps provided for new affiliation/updation. The website also provides valuable information regarding application statistics, the list of affiliated schools, and so on.


CBSE Circular official site

CBSE releases various circulars each year on its official websites. Such circulars are committed to empowering education and facilitating the smooth administration process of educational institutes. 

The official website of CBSE is & 

Some important links associated with CBSE circulars are provided here: 





Types of Circulars

The CBSE board issues circulars from time to time and are associated with various aspects of education, including administration, finance, and examinations. Here is a list of the major circular types, along with some helpful links associated with them:


Academic Unit Circulars

The academic circulars are focal points for education and academics. They empower the complete teaching and learning process. 


Affiliation Unit Circulars

Affiliation circulars are helpful for various affiliation aspects like the enrolment of schools, guidelines for book selection, and so on. 


Examination Circulars

CBSE releases important notifications, circulars & SOPs related to examinations on their official websites. This includes various elements like admission, attendance, passing criteria, etc. 


Finance Circulars

Finance circulars are associated with financial aspects like advances, budgets, fee payments, financial power, taxes, and so on. 


Skill & Training Circulars

The department of skill education releases circulars regarding qualifications, appointments, skill subjects, scheme of studies, etc. 


Miscellaneous Circulars

Circulars related to miscellaneous activities like scholarships, competitions, important dates, etc are published under miscellaneous circulars. 

List of circulars related to students

Change of subject 


The circulars are associated with the change of subjects for students studying in Class X or XII on various grounds. As per the scheme, both classes X and XII is two year

course, students be counselled to offer those which they would like to continue later, for which provisions exist in the Examination Bye-laws. 


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Direct Admission


Direct admission circulars are linked to the admissions of students to a school and the transfer/migration of students. Details such as the general conditions, procedures, and specific requirements regarding such activities are made available in the circular.








Private Candidates


CBSE board releases separate circulars for private candidates on various grounds, which can differ from circulars meant for regular candidates. These circulars are only meant for private candidates and include details like exam registration, eligibility criteria, subjects, and so on. 




Examination fees  


Circulars related to examination fee payment, list of candidates attending examinations, exemption of examination fees etc can be viewed under examination fee circulars. It helps the board to streamline conducting the examinations in an efficient and timely manner. 




Correction in Particulars 


Include procedures and application forms for various correction activities. They comprise activities like correction of names, correction of DoB’s, correction fees, revised rules of correction etc. These circulars also associates CBSE examination Bye-laws. 




Examination Circulars


Examination circulars comprises of important activities and notifications regarding conducting examinations. It includes all forms of assessments like practical assessments, theory exams, internal assessments, projects etc. The registration of students for examinations are also published under these circulars. 




Duplicate documents/grading system


Majorly comprises of procedures and applications for corrections and verification of various documents. Looking into the issues of misplacing documents, the board has also decided to offer digital copies of various documents in the Digi Locker of students, opened by CBSE. 




Subjects offered (subject combination)


The circular brings details on the subjects and subject combinations which the board has permitted to offer to the students. The board advices schools to offer the subjects in adherence with the Scheme of Studies only. It has a prescribed list of valid subjects and subject combinations. 


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The Board has taken efforts to facilitate administrations and efficient conduct of examinations. By providing enough time for all activities in schools and in the Board, it has been decided by the board to advance the process of submission of List of Candidates (LOC) for Regular Candidates of Class X/XII. 


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Signatures of parents on class X mark sheet cum Certificate


The Board is advising students, parents and schools to provide correct details for examination process. They want the particulars to be checked correctly before students attend the board exam. This helps in preventing the chances of errors in certificates, in the future.




Admission to class IX & XI students on account of change of school registration


The classes IX & XI can witness more number of admissions in general. Apart from that many students also change school while they are studying in these classes. In order to provide the right conditions for such shifting, the board developed Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) in this circular. 




Exemptions/Concessions developed and extended to People with Benchmark Disabilities for Class X & XII Examinations conducted by the CBSE Board and Standard Operating Procedure


The Board intends to provide all the help to the disabled, which include extending several exemptions/concessions to students with disabilities. Most students or schools are not fully aware of such exemptions. So with such circulars, the Board bring updates of all such concessions and exemptions and help the stakeholders become noticed. 


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SOP for dealing with students having attendance less than the prescribed % of attendance


For the students to become eligible to appear for the Class X and XII examinations, the board always set attendance criteria. It takes certain measures to ensure the importance of classes and attendance. The students are expected to meet the attendance percentage prescribed by the board. 





SOPs for sports students


Both the Indian government and the CBSE board has promoted the importance of sports in school education. This circular is specifically intended for students actively participating in sports events and studying in CBSE schools. The Board intends to extend the examination dates of students whose examination coincides with the participation in sports events.  



C.B.S.E. most Important Circulars

The CBSE circulars issued from time to time are made available on the official website. The Board has released important circulars including the Board exam results for 10th & 12th-class students. One of the latest circulars or updates issued by CBSE is regarding the 2023 edition of class 10.

CBSE circulars that demanded students' and staff information

The Delhi High Court has demanded a response from the (CBSE) on a plea that has challenged the circular that asked CBSE-affiliated schools to share the personal details of the students and school staff on the Online Affiliated School Information System (OASIS).


The plea was filed to the court by Forum for Promotion of Quality, which is a body representing private schools. Upon hearing the plea, Justice C Hari Shankar issued a notice to the board. The petition has also challenged the move of the board that imposed a fine of Rs. 50,000 payable by the schools that fail to submit the data on the OASIS form.


The requirement to submit the Aadhaar details of the teachers and the staff of the school (which seems to be a contravention of the Right to Privacy) on the Unified District Information System for Education (UDISE) is among the issues with CBSE directives. 

Get updated on the latest CBSE Circulars

Recent Circular

Recent and most updated circulars regarding the printing of question papers, submission of examinations, teacher training sessions, online affiliations, training programs, etc. are always updated on the CBSE official websites. 

In the portal listed below, you can read the CBSE latest circulars of 2023, for students, teachers, stakeholders, and schools & stay updated with important education news. 


Expected CBSE Circular 2023.

The latest notification updated by CBSE includes details like a notice for the board exam 2023, the 2023 edition of class 10, and more. The board has released an important notice regarding the upcoming 10th & 12th board exams of 2023. The CBSE exam date for Classes 10 & 12 will likely be from February 15, 2023. One can check the detailed notices and updates by visiting the Board’s official website at

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