What Schools are Expected to Do for Implementation of NEP

National Education Policy (NEP) 2020 offers incredible value addition to the school education system in India. To make the features and guidelines in NEP reach their maximum potential, schools must play a crucial part.

This article explores all the details regarding the working and structure of school systems according to NEP with the full extent of the mutual impact on each other.

Impact of NEP on Schools

The impact of NEP on schools is pretty important, considering how it promotes pointers in developing the academic positioning of schools, teachers and students. This impact is visible in all factors concerning the schooling process, including the likes of school administration, basic learning and academic enhancement.


About The School Administration Process

The school administration will undergo dynamic changes once the proposed changes for NEP come into effect. The new proposed structure of 5+3+3+4 instead of the earlier 10+2 will give rise to a reduction in the curriculum and learning process with the introduction of more academic skills.

The administrative and management tasks in educational bodies will be more result-oriented, with an attentive focus on dedicated strategies from the initial planning to the final implementation.


Introducing Basic Learning Skills

The learning skills category for schools in the NEP 2020 scheme takes an interesting turn concerning the education process of a learner. This extends to skills-based training beyond the text-book oriented syllabus. 

The core feature of skills classification under NEP is the efficient allocation and utilization of resources in developing an equitable and inclusive education process with an onus on the holistic development of students. Rather than training and assessment schedules of the present, NEP encourages a competency-based approach.


Experiencing Academic Enhancement

Enhancing your academic credibility and learning experience is a guarantee when it comes to NEP norms. The guidelines insist on a fruitful education process based on integration, engagement, productivity and universal access at all times.

The academic vision is segmented across various divisions like basic school education, higher education and other learning programs. Each segment follows its unique set of feature-based training to arrive at the optimum educational experience for the students.

How NEP can Support Principals and Management

NEP 2020 lays down clear goals and perspectives regarding the effective application of school management policies and support for heads and principals. It involves pointers on different initiatives, achievements and challenges of the system.


Initiatives for Management and Principals

One of the primary steps here includes the strengthening of the Central Advisory Board of Education. The school heads and principals can use different techniques (including experimental) in managing the academic and education system.

Financing and implementation of the learning methods can be managed using the management modules established specifically for the quality system present in the process.


Achievements of Schools from The NEP System

Teachers and educators in the NEP system can follow an achievement portfolio model based on newer pedagogical developments and approaches. A grade-wise system is implemented in this regard, and the achievement target levels are set at a tangible level.

The NEP system provides full-fledged support to the schools in realising the strategic implementation of the achievements plus addressing present and future challenges associated with it. The outcomes should act as a morale booster for all parts of the schooling entity.


How Should Principals Apply The NEP System

Principals and school heads should follow a defined and disciplined format to gain full advantage of the NEP system guidelines. The primary role of a principal is that of a supervisory one, with the delivery of quality instructions and educational strategies.

The school campus is headed by the principal, making them the educational leader of the NEP system in the schooling model. The selection process of principals to the NEP system follows a set standard system filled with aptitude and attitude for leadership in critical roles.


Challenges Faced by The NEP System

The NEP system includes many challenges and issues which individually vary by the school division. As far as principals, school heads and management authorities are concerned, the challenges include a possible lack of integration, probable reduction in meeting resource requirements, social responsibility problems, etc.

The idea of opening new universities is a huge challenge concerning its management and functioning of operations. School heads could face problems related to raising funds for the different program points mentioned in the NEP guidelines.

If the principals, heads and management personnel are not trained properly, there is a real chance of saturation in academic growth before reaching complete potential. The demands in the domain ask for changes at an alarming level. It could affect the existing process management in schools.

Stages in School According to NEP Scheme

As per the NEP 2020 system, the different stages in school are the foundational, preparatory, middle and secondary stages.


Explaining The 5+3+3+4 Pattern

The earlier 10+2 schooling pattern will be reformed to make way for the new and improved 5+3+3+4 scheme. This means after three years of anganwadi, the remaining 12 years will be based on a renewed pedagogical structure.


The regulatory bodies and policies, curriculum topics and module frameworks in this category cover a strategic approach built on student development within schools.


Foundational Stage

The first five years of schooling will correspond to the foundational stage. It includes both the preschool stage from three to six years of age and classes 1 and 2 for six to eight-year-olds. They comprise a total of five years in which basic learning and skill development will take place.


Preparatory Stage

The preparatory stage spans over three years and is from classes three to five. The age group of school students in the preparatory stage are eight to eleven years. The conceptual understanding of numerous subjects happens during this phase.


Middle Stage

The middle stage of schooling as per NEP is for students aged eleven to fourteen and covers a total of three years for classes six to eight. It is the stage where all core academic skills are supposed to develop. Life skills will also be included in this phase.


Secondary Stage

The secondary stage covers classes nine to twelve and is for students in the age group of fourteen to eighteen. In these final four years of schooling, all core curriculum subjects will be covered with the inclusion of different elective topics. This phase grooms the learner for higher studies and career-oriented job programs.

Key Components of The NEP to be Implemented in School

In this segment, we will cover the key NEP components that schools can implement. It includes ECCE, curriculum and pedagogy for schools under the NEP system, foundational literacy and numeracy. Other topics are the integration of essential skills and flexibility in course choices.


Early Childhood Care and Education (ECCE)

The foundation of school education is covered in the section on Early Childhood Care and Education (ECCE). This category aims at the development and well-being of children from an early age and is focused on driving the brain power and stimulation of learning activities of the learner.


ECCE covers multiple levels, and the structure is based on activities that empower techniques like critical thinking, problem-solving, logical reasoning and attitude & behaviour development.


Curriculum and Pedagogy in Schools

The general curriculum structure in schools involves the personal and career development of the student. The pedagogy structure of 5+3+3+4 is meant to give more space to overall development in physical, social, emotional, cognitive, ethical, cultural and communication areas.


Foundational Literacy and Numeracy

As part of ECCE’s ideal constituents, it is possible to attain optimum outcomes in the areas of foundational literacy and numeracy. Numeracy refers to the skills and behavioural patterns that give rise to the use of mathematics in a purposeful capacity.


Foundational literacy mentions the top skills and strategies that students need to interpret their thoughts. In this context, it refers to reading, writing and speaking skills.


Flexibility in Course Choices


In the NEP system, flexibility exists for choosing courses and subjects at the school level. This is most appreciated in the secondary stage of pedagogy with the option for electives. But you can practise this from the early stages as well. Core topics include language, communication, logic, innovative techniques, creativity and vocational skills.

Integration of Essential Skills, Subjects and Capacities


The NEP system gives chances to students to follow a learning process complete with essential skills and subjects. Co-curricular learning mechanism is supported in this category. Learning opportunities are based on inquiry and analysis, critical thinking, concept discussions, problem-solving applications and cross-curricular pedagogical approach.

NEP 2020

The Usefulness of Implementing The NEP

The impact and application of implementing the NEP system extend beyond the regular schooling principles. We can summarise them below.


Increased Expenditure on Education

NEP promotes the idea of spending a significant percentage of our country’s GDP on education and academic purposes. Here, the focus is to create more cost-effective strategies for practical learning over theoretical learning. All kinds of learning programs will be empowered under this expenditure policy.


Reduce Exam Stress

The current exam-oriented schooling model will pave the way towards a much bigger platform based on co-curricular activities, life skills development, and academic career development. The exam stress will be reduced, and students will get a better chance to shine in domains where their talents lie.


Introduces Kids to Coding

The NEP system involves guidelines to introduce coding as part of the syllabus from an early stage. If the kids can learn coding from their foundational schooling years, it will build them up for a better career-based thinking model towards the secondary stages. Personal development is also a guarantee for students who have coding skills.


Universalisation of Education


Access to education under the NEP system is universal and is an advantageous factor in creating a holistic education program. Even students in remote villages and areas with fewer resources will have access to basic education amenities.

Areas of Improvement in The NEP

NEP is still not a foolproof system where everything is perfectly ready for execution. The improvement areas under the proposed model are various, and we will take a look at the most important points.


Teaching in The Mother Tongue will be Challenging

It will be harder to use the mother tongue language for the teaching process compared to a common language like English or Hindi. This owes to the fact that students might not get maximum career exposure if they learn in their mother tongues. Even teachers won’t be fully fluent in the regional languages.


The Challenge of a Digital Divide

Digital education and learning are part of the new NEP system. However, the problem exists where digital technology and innovation are hard to reach in remote areas in the country. This might keep the students in those areas in lesser career progress roles compared to a student base with maximum access to the digital era. It could create a digital divide that might backfire on the equality and freedom policies that the NEP system propagates.


Widening The Gap between The Learners

In addition to the points in the above section, the gap between the learners might vary owing to different factors like digital divisions, problems in teacher training, overall management of schools and improper analysis of students’ potential.

Implementation of National Education Policy

Now, let’s take a look at the implementation process of the NEP 2020.


How is The NEP 2020 Implemented?

The implementation of NEP 2020 is carried out with the help of numerous bodies like MHRD, CABE, NTA, NCERT, SCERT, HEI, Union & State Governments, academic regulatory bodies and Ministries and Department Boards in the education domain.

The NEP implementation will be done in different phases with the timely introduction of necessary resources to deal with the same. Experts in the education niche can act as professional consultants in dealing with the application process.


The New Policy of Education in 2023

NEP is trying to implement the New Education Policy 2023 in India, which is aimed at expanding the reach of the education system to all parts of the country. It aims to increase learning access to all the students of our nation.

The top 5 pillars of the New Education Policy are equity, quality, affordability, accountability and access. In the modern policy outline, individual academic attention will be given to students with special needs.


Significant Reforms in The NEP

The NEP system proposes some crucial reforms for management education in terms of quality and inclusion. Direct citizen contributions to the education system are now preferred. New exemplary models are being built that reflect changes in the existing curricula and pedagogy.

How NEP Changes Our Indian Education System?

NEP is a strong foundation that will significantly change the education system in India. It is only a matter of time before NEP norms become the building blocks for defining and empowering the career prospects of learners nationwide.


Focusing on Practical Learning rather than Theoretical Learning

NEP 2020 promotes the idea of encouraging the career prospects of students by helping them acquire life skills. The focus here is more on achieving practical learning skills compared to theoretical learning modules. This will help the learners prepare for their lives beyond the exams.


To ensure an optimum learning process in terms of practical skills, it is better to create a wide, flexible pool of subject options. This will help the learner pick the relevant topics according to their aptitude, passion and interest.


Quality Education for Every Student

NEP promises quality education provisions for each student, with a focus on developing their careers on a step-by-step note. It will help the next generation of learners prepare for present-world challenges and thrive in situations using their overall education credentials.


Different Learning Techniques and Experiments

Under the NEP system, the learning techniques and experiment processes are different based on the interest of the students and the schooling communities. Each state and school division can introduce and adapt to their home conditions when it comes to schooling principles.


Transforming Classes into A Fun and Entertaining Concept

With the inception of digital learning practises and dynamic learning options with co-curricular activities, the NEP system can transform school classes into a fun, entertaining concept. There’s no need to rely on textbooks and classrooms alone as the children will learn the balance of life with careers during their schooling days.

Implement A Multidisciplinary Approach to Education

NEP rules govern that education in modern times will receive a multidisciplinary approach, that is built on training students for multiple career streams. This means that they can find out the corresponding course that matches their interests and build careers according to their learning habits.


Introducing The Multidisciplinary Education

The concept of multidisciplinary education is created to integrate different subjects like mathematics, science, vocational subjects, professional subjects and soft skills under the arts category. The approach of multidisciplinary education paves way for positive learning outcomes.


Benefits of Multidisciplinary Education

The numerous benefits of introducing multidisciplinary education include critical thinking capacity, boosting creativity and innovation, problem-solving capabilities, communication skills, social and moral awareness talents, mastery of different fields and broad knowledge of the desired curricula.


Multidisciplinary and holistic education are closely integrated and directly proportional to each other with developments in intellectual, aesthetic, social, physical, moral and emotional domains.


Challenges Faced in Multidisciplinary Education

An increased emphasis on pedagogy in multidisciplinary education would not be according to everyone’s taste. In an integrated approach, students may lag in some subjects giving them an overall sense of disappointment despite achievements in a few subjects.


Essential training should be available to aid in the teaching of soft skills and vocational subjects. Sometimes, it is hard to find able teachers in the category.

How are Principals Affected by The NEP System?

The principals and school heads have a huge role to play in the NEP system guidelines, and they are directly affected by the same.


Test for Staffs

For selecting and training teaching staff, test exams are proposed. This will ensure the maximum target potential derivation of the staff. Principals are also subjected to PAT exams to aid in their optimal selection process.


Staff Administration and Delegation

The training staff should be delegated as per the existing school conditions. This means maintaining the administration according to the scope and potential of the school campus in question. A regulatory authority can consistently take care of this making necessary changes in between the management of staff.



Expert professionals in each domain can offer mentorship and support to the training staff and heads of schools. This will help them have a guided view of their roles in advance and will support their cause in contributing their best in the selected stream or category of skill/subject.


Incubation for Excellence

Incubation centres can be built within the school premises or for school districts that can help in delivering the best possible solutions in each subject or learning stream. It will sync with the proposed NEP ideals for boosting creativity and innovation techniques in education.


It’s easier said than done when it comes to implementing a disciplined and practical route for the NEP system in schools. The best case scenario to deal with the NEP application is to pre-plan every step and execute them following time and order. Slot-wise delegations among departments will help school management to arrive at the best solution for implementing the NEP system in full force.

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