Online Class Etiquettes for Students

When students enter an unfamiliar learning environment, their behaviour can change. As online classes are provided in the comfort of home, they enjoy more freedom when compared to conventional classroom learning. So it is important to understand and establish some simple conventional rules of personal behaviour that a student can follow while attending an online class.    


Etiquettes for an online environment are simple rules that define the basic manners and the do’s & don’ts within that workspace. These rules help to increase participation and cooperation from the student’s side. They also keep them focused, help them follow good manners and maintain healthy relationships with their teachers and peers. 


Here is a list of some basic online class etiquette that students should be aware of:

Choose a noise & distraction-free environment.

Log in to the classes from an environment free from all sorts of disturbances and distractions. Unpleasant and irritating noises from the background, the sound of televisions, people speaking, babies crying etc., can badly affect the learning process. Students should also take special care to avoid the sounds made by the keyboard while typing, as those sounds can be a distraction for others. Teachers and parents shall advise them not to make unnecessary noises like yelling and shouting. They shall also be advised to mute microphones when not talking. While in an online class, refrain from watching movies, playing games or spending time on smartphones. 

Dress appropriately

In virtual classrooms, appropriate classroom appearance and behaviour is expected. It only takes a few minutes to get dressed properly. Dress up as if you are attending a formal meeting, it will provide a good look and feel. And also, don’t forget to groom your hair properly. Following such simple manners helps trigger the start of a day and increase productivity. Before entering an online class, take care of all personal needs such as dressing, hygiene, etc.

Respect others


Always talk politely, never use inappropriate language or share inappropriate content with others. Use proper punctuation, spelling and grammar while typing in the chatbox provided in the online collaboration tools. Take some time to read the comments before writing a response. Make sure to avoid behaviour like sarcasm, talking about unrelated topics, using abusive language, making fun of others, chewing gum or talking to others in your home during an online class. A certain level of formality is expected in communication during an online session, so always set a respectful tone in speaking.

Be punctual & patient.

Be present to join early before the meeting starts. If you are stuck on an assignment, try to figure it out on your own before asking your instructor. If it seems unanswered after a bit of effort, you may bring them up with your instructor. And finally, remember to sign out or leave the meeting when the session ends.

Be aware of your surroundings.

Be mindful of your background. The environment where you are seated should be appropriate for work. Otherwise, it can be a distraction for others and yourself. Ensure that the objects present in the background (especially those easily visible by others while on a video call) are arranged properly. You will also be required to be seated in a room with good lighting, so adjust the work setup so that you are exposed to enough light. 

Speak up whenever necessary

Students should speak when asked by the tutors. However, they should not interfere in a way that interrupts the class and causes a disturbance to others. If you want to speak in between:

  1.  1. Ask permission to speak or speak after your teacher calls on you.
  2. 2. Make sure your video and audio are on, so your teacher and other students can see and hear you.
  3. 3. Consider using headphones with an external mic for best speaking and hearing capabilities. 

No food during the class

Eating snacks during online classes is a bad habit. It not only distracts others but also affects your ability to concentrate on learning. It can also leave food crumbles all over your study environment. 

Stay present

Make sure you are seated in one place and don’t leave the area during class hours. If you want to go in an emergency, you may ask permission from the tutor. While sitting in front of a webcam, sit up straight and use attentive body language. Turn on/off the cameras and mute/unmute audio as required. If you are sick, need a day off or going to be late, then inform the instructors about your absence before the online class starts.

Check for technical difficulties.

Before logging in to the classes, ensure that all the devices are working properly and the internet connection is reliable. Test your video, audio and connectivity. You are required to be present with a proper functioning microphone, web camera and all other devices needed for smooth communication. Exit from unnecessary applications on your computer to optimize the audio and video quality. 

Get yourself prepared with the essentials

When you are present at an online class, you should keep essential items like paper and a pen handy to take notes. While making file submissions through mobile apps, submit them correctly and in acceptable file formats. It will reduce the effort for instructors to find and open the files.


When students realize what is expected, managing virtual classrooms will become an easy task for the instructors. Teachers and parents can take special care in advising the students about etiquette and ensuring that they follow them in an online class with the same respect, politeness, and behaviour they would exhibit in a real-life classroom.

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