What is the full form of ERP?

              ERP stands for Enterprise Resource Planning. This is a type of software used by business organizations to manage their day-to-day activities. The ERP system connects the different departments in the organization and allows flow of data between them without duplication. ERP systems are essential to the successful management of all types and sizes of organizations.

What is ERP and how does it work?

An ERP or Enterprise Resource Planning system is the software used by organizations and industries to manage their activities efficiently and profitably. The ERP system integrates the operations of the different business departments, personnel and technology in an enterprise. Advanced ERP systems help to budget, predict, plan and report on the organization’s performance.

ERP systems are developed on a database with terminologies, usages and experiences common to all sections of an enterprise. This database is interconnected with all departments – manufacturing, trading, marketing, finance, supply chain and human resources – allowing free flow of data between them. 

The collection of data centrally in an ERP system eliminates the need for numerous databases and spreadsheets. The system brings about an order that enables all users to create, work and save data on a common platform. The centralized storage of data ensures that the data is correct, up-to-date and complete. The users can confidently perform the tasks error free without depending on multiple manual reports.

What is an ERP system example?

A beverages distributor, Talking Rain, in Washington wasted considerable time on manual processes. The staff entered the customer purchases and payment receipts manually from different spreadsheets to co-relate them. Comparison and analysis of data with that of previous years required the entire date to be copied again into another spreadsheet. The time spent on this collection of data affected the productivity and resulted in frustration of employees.

The company installed an ERP solution providing a single platform for all information eliminating the requirement of numerous spreadsheets. The entire information on manufacturing, order scheduling, distribution, accounts receivables and payables, financial reporting, inventory control is managed automatically by the system saving time and errors.

ERP systems are developed on a database with terminologies, usages and experiences common to all sections of an enterprise. This database is interconnected with all departments – manufacturing, trading, marketing, finance, supply chain and human resources – allowing free flow of data between them. 

The collection of data centrally in an ERP system eliminates the need for numerous databases and spreadsheets. The system brings about an order that enables all users to create, work and save data on a common platform. The centralized storage of data ensures that the data is correct, up-to-date and complete. The users can confidently perform the tasks error free without depending on multiple manual reports.

What is school ERP?

The school ERP system is the software platform on which the entire operations of the school are based. The software integrates the activities of all the departments seamlessly. Administrative, accounting, purchasing, inventory, transportation, teaching, parent and student engagement are the various fields that are interlinked.

The school ERP app provides a solution in managing the administrative functions of admissions and enrolments online. This makes it easier for the parent in applying for admission and the school in registering newcomers. The management can allot the classes as per the existing vacancies. The class teachers receive the information on each child instantly through the system.

The school ERP software facilitates the duties of a teacher immensely. Marking daily attendance, preparing registers, recording absentees, assigning homework are some of the functions performed by the system. Assessments are done and report cards are generated by the system. The teacher can save time on data entry and can concentrate on improving the teaching methods.

The students can login and access the work assigned and lectures by the teacher on the system. They can submit and share the assignments with the teacher and team mates. The students can access the library from this digital platform. 

Parent-teacher communication is enhanced by the ERP system. Parents are sent instant alerts by SMS, e-mails and mobile apps on the activities of their wards. Parents can check the progress of their children directly on a day to day basis.

The fee management module helps in collection of fees, dues etc. on the online portal. It becomes easy for the parents to pay and the management to track payments. Reminders and receipts can be sent by the system.

The school bus fleet management is taken care by the school ERP system. The RFID scanners record the entry of the student into the bus and when they get off the bus. This information is relayed directly to the class teacher, school and parent. The bus tracking system provides live locations of the bus. 

The ERP system is capable of scheduling breakdown and preventive maintenance for the buses. Driver behavior can be monitored by the alerts sent to the school for over-speeding, traffic violations and other errant behavior. 

The school ERP system saves time on manual entries and records and eliminates duplication of work. Manpower, maintenance and stationery costs are reduced. The streamlined operations reduce the anxiety of parents, teachers and school.

Why is School ERP important for schools?

The best school ERP software automates and streamlines the procedures and processes involved in school administration.  The ERP software offers various modules as per the needs of the school enabling management, teachers, students and staff to increase their performance and growth.


The ERP system will manage admissions and enrolments online. Administrative staff is freed of the repetitive tasks of data entry and reporting. The office can be made paperless with messages sent by the system. Reports are automatically generated. Fees and payments can be collected online saving on time and avoiding errors. 


The daily attendance, assessments, homework, assignments, timetable and examination schedules are managed by the ERP solution leaving the teachers with ample time to focus on quality teaching. The E-learning platform empowers the teachers and the students.


The school library functions of acquisition, cataloging and circulation can be managed efficiently by the ERP system. Books can be tracked, traced, located and reserved effectively. 


The school ERP software when integrated with the transport module manages the school fleet. The students can be tracked on real-time when travelling to and from school. The school and the parent can access the details on the school systems and personal mobiles. Drivers can communicate directly to the parents. 


The system can be programmed to send instant messages to the parents via e-mail, SMS and mobile apps on the activities of their wards, about events, examinations, attendance and assessments. Multiple users can use the system using their login modules assigned to them.


The different functions of the school can be streamlined and managed with the ERP system with extreme ease. The saving in time, manpower and expenses is considerable. The various features in the system alleviate the anxiety of both the school and parents regarding the children. Hence the ERP software is essential to the smooth operations of a school.

Who can use School ERP?

The school ERP system is a platform that integrates the operation of the different departments in a school to perform seamlessly. Each user can login to the module assigned to them to access the data required.


The school administrators are the primary users of the school ERP software to manage admissions and enrolments. They can use an attractive website to state the vision, mission and details of the school. They can use the system to communicate with the parents and the staff. The management can use the portal to collect fees online.


The teachers utilize the system to simplify many of the repetitive actions performed each day. Marking of attendance, recording of student data, assigning homework, assessments and generation of report cards are done with minimal effort and time.


Students can log into the system to access the homework and assignments. They can submit the work on completion to the teachers for assessment. The students can access the school digital library for borrowing and referencing.


The school fleet managers can use the system to track the school buses on the routes. Real-time reports and live locations provide the school and parents details of the student while on the bus. The school ERP system also helps in scheduling maintenance and checks the vehicle performance periodically.


Parents can use the system to track the progress of their child on a day-to-day basis. The teachers send messages to the parents via e-mails, SMS and mobile apps. The parents can trace the location of the school bus of their child and estimate the time of arrival at the bus-stop.

Features of a School ERP system

The ERP system of a school is an integrated solution for the seamless operation of the school. The many features enable the users to run the departments with efficiency.


-The school ERP software is designed for the usage of multiple users. The staff and faculty can log in to manage the activities and modules assigned to them. The various modules can be interconnected and customized to the needs of the school and user.


– The easy and interactive user interface makes it simple to use by the many users without technical help. The software can be accessed by parents and staff on mobiles and laptops.


– The ideal ERP system is facilitated by cloud storage. The data stored on a cloud service can be accessed and retrieved easily. The requirement of hardware to store data can be eliminated. The cloud based system can generate reports through the ERP system. These reports can be exported to other format files.


– The ERP system must keep the parents, teachers and staff in the loop making communication easy. Messages to parents about the child’s progress can be sent with Email and SMS integration feature. The system must notify all the users of the ongoing activities, announcements, holidays etc.


– The ERP system should be capable of managing the entire processes of admission and enrolment. Student data should be accessible by all concerned.


-Tracking of attendance of students and staff is an important feature which lessens the cumbersome process of roll calls and registers. The feature marks the attendance when the child enters the bus through RFID scanners or through identity tags when entering the classrooms.


– ERP software manages examination schedules, practical exams and assessments. Notifications to students and parents are sent via SMS messages and emails.


-Staff attendance and salary expenses are managed by the ERP system.


-The students can access the lessons and assignments. They can search for books in the library, issue and return them. The software tracks the movement of books.




The school ERP software consists of modules for the different functions in operating the school efficiently.


Admission management

Applicants can submit the admission forms from anywhere at any time.

The school can verify the documents and enroll the student.
School authorities can intimate the students regarding the admission test dates and results.

The management can allot the students to classes as per the vacancy.

Student documents and records are stored securely by the system.


Student Attendance

The attendance feature minimizes the teacher’s workload, reduces paperwork and errors while entering data manually.

The biometric and RFID devices integrated within the system mark the attendance automatically.
This prevents the possibility of proxy attendance.

The student whereabouts are monitored by the devices while in class, school or bus.

Parents are notified instantly about their wards presence in class via messages and emails.


Examination and analysis

The module can plan, edit or delete examination schedules.

Flexibility feature allows the teachers to enter marks and update the system and generate report cards.
The progress of the student is analyzed by the system and instant feedbacks are provided for the teacher, student and parent.

The module is cost effective in that it reduces the workload of the staff and reduces the usage of paper.


Student Assignment

The assignment module helps in creating assignments, homework, tests and quizzes for the students.

Teachers can distribute the homework and assignments to all the students with a single click.
On completion of the work, the students can upload the text or file and send it to the teacher.

Completed work is collected and reviewed by the teacher and feedback provided to the students.

The module is effective in saving time and reducing paper usage.


Timetable Management

The automated system schedules the timetable for each class and notifies students, teachers and management.

The module helps in saving considerable time spent in setting timetables manually and minimizes errors.
The system can allocate a substitute teacher to a class in the case of the class teacher being absent.

Any changes in the timetable are notified instantly to all concerned.

The module helps the administration in preparing payrolls for teachers corresponding to the hours worked.



This module helps to establish communication among the students, parents and school.

Instant messages and notifications can be sent to a large number of people at one go via SMS, emails or mobile apps.
Reminders, announcements, and emergency alerts can be sent instantly to all concerned.

The biometric and RFID software send instant alerts to the school and the parent indicating the presence or absence of the student.

The school ERP system brings transparency and helps to mitigate the anxiety encountered by the parents.


Fee Management

The system automates the process of fee collection minimizing the risk of errant transactions.

The school ERP software generates reports on fee structure, and receivables and issues receipts.
The school keeps track of the fees due from each student, receipts and pending payments.

Instant alerts are sent to parents to remind them to pay in case of pending dues.


Student Management

Student related information can be easily collated, securely saved and retrieved from the cloud.

Personal student details class and batch-wise and their attendance can be viewed.
Disciplinary action against any student is detailed and archived.

Student achievements and activities assigned are recorded.

The school authorities can generate reports on required data using search criteria.


Human Resource Management

The module helps in receiving applications for vacancies, verifying the credentials and appointing new staff.

The software is geared to record the daily functions of attendance, leave, hours worked by the staff.
Pay is calculated, payrolls and pay-slips are generated automatically.

Deductions and changes in the payroll can be done instantly.

Employee details are recorded on a single platform and securely stored on the cloud.


Payroll Management

The RFID cards help the management to record the attendance of the staff is in real-time.

The system helps the administrators to monitor leave applications, entry and exit timings and breaks.
The management can make additions or deductions to the salary based on this information.

The module generates the payroll automatically.

The system saves on time required for manual entries and reduces the possibility of errors.


Library  Management

This module organizes the operations of a library enhancing the efficiency of the librarian.

Cataloging of all the books in the library is done automatically by the system.
Acquisition of new books is made simpler as the system identifies the books required.

The system tracks the circulation of the books- issued, borrowed, returned or reserved.

Missing or lost books can be traced.


Transport Management

The transport module tracks the location of the school bus on their way to and from school.

The live-location status provided by the system can be accessed by the school and the parent.
The module can be used to set routes and stops, assign students to buses.

RFID cards record the entry and exit of the student from the bus with exact details of time and place.

Transport fees can be collected, receipts issued, and reminders can be sent.

The system sends instant alerts to the school and parents in case of emergency, delays or change in routes.

The module enhances the safety and security of the students and driver on board the bus.


Inventory Management

The module manages and monitors the in-house stock of the school accurately.

The system manages enables the store manager to manage indents, issues purchase orders and gods received notes.
The module keeps track of assets and obsolete equipment.

The system minimizes the possibility of theft or loss of expensive school property.


School ERP Software


– E-Learning


The E-learning software in school ERP system transforms the traditional classroom into a virtual interactive learning platform. The ERP software simplifies the daily functions of the teachers. The module helps the teacher in designing the curriculum and teaching plans. The teacher can upload the syllabus, lessons and resources for the use of the students. 


Homework and assignments can be sent to the students with a single click. The completed assignments can be submitted to the teacher and instant feedbacks can be provided. Online tests and examinations can be arranged and assessments can be made to evaluate student performance. Study material, assignments, reports and registers can be stored on the system saving space and paper.


Electronic communication systems like emails, chats and SMS messages enable quicker and seamless communication between the students and teachers. The ERP software is compatible with desktop and mobile devices enabling the users to access from anywhere.


Maintenance of attendance


The biometric and RFID tags provided to students are scanned on entry into the buses and class rooms. This system records attendance automatically. The RFID tags used in the buses can be integrated with the system to send details of the student’s presence directly to the class teachers. Report on student absence is generated automatically. Teachers’ are spared of the routine task of roll calls and manual attendance registers.


Similarly the RFID tags for employees enable recording of attendance, leave and calculating the number of hours worked. This saves the administration time and helps in reducing expense of manpower and stationery.


Child safety and security


The school ERP software for the transportation module is based on a GPS tracking system. The real-time location of the buses on the way to and from school can be viewed by the school and the parents. The RFID tags record the time and place of entry of the child into the bus and off the bus. The attendance of the child on the bus and the time of pick up and drop off ensure the parent that the child is safe. Any change in schedule is alerted by the system enabling the parent to keep track of the child.


Active parent engagement


The system reports on the activities of the child in school on a day to day basis which is accessible by the parent. The parent has an over view of the child’s progress in school. They can communicate with the teacher for clarifications and queries.


The automated attendance tracker with exact times and places ensure the parent of the child’s safety at school and on his way to and from school. The parent can view the location of the school bus and the expected time of arrival at the bus-stop. They can plan their schedules to pick and drop their child accordingly.

Cloud facilitation and SMS integration


The school ERP software system saves data on the cloud. This helps in maintaining data security. Data can be retrieved easily and accurately from the cloud. The storage on the cloud enables all the users to access the information from anywhere and at any time.


The school ERP system with SMS integration helps in increasing the communication among students, teachers, parents and school authorities. Text messages can be sent to the users to update them on the activities in school, remind them of fee payment, and changes in transport schedules. Emergency alerts are sent in cases of accidents, delays or other untoward incidents. Messages are sent directly to the mobile phones of the users making it simpler for them to access.


Faster communication


The system makes communication easier and faster among the users. The students and teachers can communicate through text message and emails. Parents can communicate with the teachers and school via SMS messages and school mobile apps. 


Drivers can communicate with the parent, student and school through push notifications, SMS messages or mobile apps. These methods are faster and instantaneous compared to the traditional hand-written notes and telephone calls which is time consuming.


Automated payroll


The payroll function is of great help to the administrators. RFID and biometric scanners mark attendance automatically of all employees in the school – managers, teachers, staff and drivers. The automated system saves the administration of the cumbersome task of employee sign in and outs, maintenance of physical registers, and calculation of payrolls.


The school ERP system records leaves, the number of hours worked and prepares payrolls. Pay slips are generated for each employee accounting for additions and deductions.


Access to the Library


The students can log in directly to access the school library from anywhere at any time. The automatic cataloging function of the system helps the students search for a book by the title, author, topic or year of publishing. Students can issue and return books, reserve books they may require from this digital platform. The system allows faster access to both physical and digital books.


Reduced workload, decrease in work pressure and saving in time


The school ERP system saves the time consumed in entering data, searching physically for records, compiling reports, calculating man-hours and manual preparation of payrolls. The system minimizes the risk of errors that occur in manual recording. The use of paper is drastically reduced. The automated system reduces the need for manpower. 


The completely automated school ERP system reduces the workload and consecutively the work pressure of the users. The users can remain updated and in touch with minimal effort. Reports are generated and analyzed faster. The easy to use interface and individual log in systems are an incentive for the users.


-Easy to use with personalized access


The user interface of the school ERP system is easy to use and can be used by multiple users.  Each user can log in with a personalized ID to access the system. This makes the use of the system safe and secure. 


The data on the system is stored on the cloud ensuring data accuracy and security. The data is easily retrievable from the cloud from any desktop or mobile phones.


Entab CampusCare

Registration of students and enrollment into classes

Attendance management, examinations and result management
Administrative functions of fee collection, staff details and generating staff payroll lists

GPS bus tracking ensuring the safety of the students and drivers.

The data is saved on the cloud and can be recovered and backed up easily.

The system focuses on parent engagement, tracking child activity and recording the progress of the child.

Skolaro Learn

The ERP software is designed for instructors and teachers who deliver classes on virtual platforms.

Teachers can give study material, homework, assignments and online tests.
Academic module marks attendance, designs curriculum, grades assessments and generates report cards.

Enables teachers to conduct classes on an interactive platform

Communication by SMS’s, alerts and notifications are managed by the system.

The system can be accessed from anywhere, any time.

Financial functions of budgeting, forecasting, accounting, fee collection and payroll are automated.


Admission and student information data management

Management of attendance, examinations, timetables, academics.
Generation of student ID cards, examination results and report cards.

Finance, accounting and fee collection functions.

Administrative functions of HR and payroll, staff and faculty management.

Library, bookstore and inventory management.
Communication portals for parents and teachers.

Low priced but performs all the important functions required by the school.


The system can be hosted locally or from a cloud.

Managing enquiries, short-listing future students, enrolment process is possible.
Attendance and student information.

Financial aspects and fee collection.

Establishes communication between the teachers and parents via SMS and emails.

Alerts and reminders are sent to the concerned personnel.

Training and maintenance support of the system is provided for the users.


School, college, institutions use the software to monitor the day-to-day operations.

The software is cloud based and easily accessible from anywhere.
The modules are designed for ease of use and minimal training

The entire school operations are digitized operating from a common platform

The system is flexible and can be customized to user requirement.


The ERP system has more than 40 modules in assisting operations.

Admission and student information management
Lesson planning, timetable and examination scheduling and result generation

Wireless biometric tags to record attendance in classes and buses.

GPS tracking of school buses, RFID scanners to record entry into and off the buses.

Human resource management, staff attendance, leave, and payroll functions

Accounting, fee collection, and finance management.

Library and inventory management


Student enquiries, admission, enrollment, class allotment and student information.

Student attendance, timetable and examination scheduling, lesson planning.
Homework and assignment management.

Human resource management, staff attendance, and payroll generation.

Fee collection and accounting with issuing of receipts and reminders.

Transport management with GPS tracking systems.
Communication with instant notifications via SMS or emails, quick and targeted messages and reminders

Library modules make it possible for the student to search, issue, return or reserve a book.

Inventory management monitors the stock of items in the school, theft or loss of expensive school property.

School Diary

Admission management, enrollment of students, student data management

Staff management and payroll module.
Disciplinary action against any student is detailed and archived.

Fee payments and collection.

GPS Tracking of school buses ensuring safety of the students.

The communication feature enables messaging one-to-one.

The ERP system is compatible with iOS and Android devices and can be accessed from anywhere at any time.


Academic tasks like assessments, examinations and consolidating report cards are done by the system.

Administration functions of student information management, finance, human resources and payroll are managed efficiently.
The communication feature ensures that the users are updated on the happenings.

Library management handles the cataloging and circulation of books.

Transport management module tracks the school buses in real-time ensuring safety of the students.


Attendance of students is marked easing the workload for teachers.

Homework can be assigned, examinations conducted and report cards generated.
Attendance and time management for school staff.

Accounting and fee collection management.

Inventory management.

The ERP system can be operated from desktop and mobile platforms making it accessible to all users.

Digital School

Admission management, enrollment and admit card printing.

Integrated attendance system for students, sending SMS to parents on a daily basis.
Examination module computes the results with subject-wise grades, ranks and percentages.

Transport module handles routing, allotting of seats and live location tracking of buses with GPS systems.

Account Management does fee collection, issuing receipts, sending reminders for pending fee.

SMS integration enables sending bulk SMS, alerts to the parents, reminders and announcements.

Multiple users can log in at any point of time and can be used on desktops and mobile devices.


Admission, registration and enrollment management.

Attendance management for the students.
Timetable and examination modules enable scheduling, editing and deleting of data.

E-learning, assessment and examination modules make teaching and evaluation faster and accurate.

Calendar and event management module streamlines the activities

Fee management function collects, issues receipts, prompts reminders.

Staff and faculty management modules help administrators with recruitment and interviews

HR and Payroll functions are automated saving time and effort

Transport management streamlines the school bus fleet operations, maintenance, purchase and driver details.

Works on iOS and Android platforms.


The admission module operates as a single window for inquiries, registrations, enrollments and collation of student data

Centralized student database management stores, edits and updates the information with minimal errors. The database is secure, accessible to all users.
The attendance module is powered by biometric and GPS tracking devices. Attendance is marked automatically, alerts are sent to parents on entry and exit of students, customized reports are generated on daily, weekly or monthly basis.

Fee collection module is secure and fast enabling online payment facilities. The fees paid, pending, reminders and receipts issued are tracked.

Communication via SMS and Emails notifies parents and staff of school activities, sends alerts to parents and staff in case of emergencies, updates on fees and examinations.


Student enrollment module is flexible to meet the changing admission criteria.

A real-time dashboard displays school information, activities, events and meetings for public view.
Students, teachers and parents can log in separately..

SMS integration facilitates sending of attendance, reminders, results and other messages to parents and staff.

Examination module schedules tests and simplifies assessments

Finance management handles budget, forecasts, fee collection, income and expenditure

Fast, reliable, safe and secure ERP software for school management.

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