Features and the key Benefits of Attendance Management System For Schools

What is an Attendance Management System?

student attendance management system
Tracking, storing and managing attendance is a regular task in schools, colleges, enterprises and other establishments. In an educational institution, the teachers need to track their student’s attendance and similarly, in an enterprise, the employers have to track their employees’ attendance. Managing attendance by calling out names or marking it using a pen on a register is a tedious task and an outdated process. So, it is essential for an organization to opt for a smart attendance management system.

An attendance system keeps track of your student/staff presence, absence and even working hours. To manage attendance in a better way, people tried creating an attendance management system in excel spreadsheets, online spreadsheets and then later moved onto the punching system. But the advancements in technology paved the way for a new and improved setup for managing attendance, that is the online automated attendance management software.

What is an automated attendance system?

An automated attendance system is a system that saves and tracks the status of a student or staff. It records and shows the status of students; whether they are present or absent in the class. Each department may have their own logins. Majority of such systems work on the basis of face detection and other recognition algorithms that automatically detect a student using a webcam or other similar devices and mark his/her attendance. By using such an automated attendance management system for students, you will be able to find out whether a student is present in the class or not. The software can generate daily, weekly, monthly and yearly reports. You can also verify the attendance period by period for each class.

What is an online attendance management system?

Online attendance management systems offer web login or device login facility. It is a digital platform which can automate daily attendance in schools. Such software usually comes with cloud-enabled technology to ensure data backup and easy access. The system helps in automating daily attendance in schools and other establishments. It also helps to maintain records and keep a track of the students. The system also provides virtual logins and logouts from any location. Students, staff and other faculties can easily log in to the system by clicking a button. You can also create flexible attendance policies using this system.

Why is attendance management important?

online attendance management system
Attendance management is an important task within every school. The procedure helps to keep a track of students, teaching staff and non-teaching staff of a school. The purpose of the attendance management system is to help the administrators keep a track of students and staff. Automated attendance management software can help administrators save time and money. Such a system also reduces staff workload and increases efficiency. The system helps to manage attendance by analyzing student absences, looking for solutions, realtime tracking, eliminating duplicate data entry etc. You will get a graphical representation or other forms of representation of everything related to student/staff presence and absence.

What is an attendance system software?

In today’s world, managing academic tasks has become a hectic process. So teachers need an efficient system that helps to reduce their burden and make time for their activities. Attendance software is such a system that helps to reduce the workload of teachers and administrators. Checking the attendance and making a record manually is a tedious and difficult job. With the help of software, you can easily manage the attendance of all students and faculties. It provides an automated digital platform where you can easily automate and manage the daily attendance of schools. The software also helps in maintaining accurate reports and generating attendance records. Using the software, you can easily get the attendance history of a student.

How to create an online attendance system?

Attendance management software is an innovative tool that helps in managing the attendance of students and faculties. A person can easily manage attendance by creating an attendance management system on Google forms and on a PHP or SQL attendance management system project that is available online. But it is always better to use a software or attendance management system app as it provides us with lots of exciting features for managing attendance. In an online attendance system, a user needs to first register and create an account. The user can log in to this account to check the attendance status. In the case of a biometric system, we can save the fingerprint of each student/staff and integrate it with the application.

Online Attendance Management System

online attendance app

Attendance management involves managing the presence and absence of an individual. Through an online attendance system, you can easily manage daily attendance in your institution. The web-enabled software makes it easier to integrate data and auto-time tracking of staff and students. The administers can track the exact number of days or hours for which students and teachers are present or absent. It is a good tool to mark attendance and create an error-free payroll process. With the system, a remote working staff can also mark their attendance using geo-tracking. Teaching and non-teaching staffs can mark their attendance and working hours.

Online attendance management systems can provide advantages in numerous ways. The application is simple and easy to use. We can easily generate student-wise, class-wise, day-wise and other reports quickly and efficiently. Admins, teachers, as well as parents can easily gain access to this system. You will get complete reports in no time. A user is able to store a large amount of student attendance data on the application.

Today, a number of online attendance management solutions include features like HR & payroll management. We can also easily integrate other forms of attendance management with online management systems for better administration and reporting. For example, integrating a biometric attendance management system or facial recognition attendance management system with a cloud-based online system provides convenience for the users to make an easy administration. Automated attendance management system based on face recognition algorithms and fingerprint scanning help in accurately classifying the present students and the absentees.

What is the purpose of the attendance monitoring system?

Attendance management is crucial for every educational institution. It helps you to keep a track and record of attendance of students, teaching and non-teaching faculties. Whether it be spreadsheet, biometric systems or online management software, the main objective of an attendance system is to reduce errors and save time which is consumed when attendance monitoring takes place manually. Using an automated system will help to quickly correct errors, even if you are out of the office.
Here are a few tasks which an attendance management system can easily fulfil:
-Keep a track of the attendance of students and staff.
-Mark presence and absence.
-Calculate employee payroll based on the number of days present.
-Mark the time of starting and stopping work.
-Administrators, teachers, parents and students can check the attendance status from their devices.
-Record employee hours.
-Generate daily, weekly, monthly and daily reports.
-Analyze student attendance details as per requirement.
-Vast data storage and data recovery.
-Reduction of paperwork and elimination of errors.
-Manage all ongoing activities on a real-time basis.
-Reduce the burden on teachers, administrators and staff.
-Map the employees using a mobile app.
-Prevent proxy and manipulated data.
-Smoothen administration and employee/school management.
-Provide live geo-tracking to mark attendance.
-Improve the productivity of an institution.

An automated attendance system using face recognition serves the purpose of recognizing each student or staff and marking their attendance. Face recognition attendance system works by capturing multiple images of a single person and processing it in a single database. It uses face recognition technology to identify different people based on their facial features. The application can scan a person’s face with maximum accuracy.

In the same way, the biometric system uses fingerprints to identify each person. After scanning the fingerprint, the system matches the endpoints and intersections of the fingerprint with the record present in the database.

Why is it essential to have an Attendance Management System?

From traditional punch cards to modern biometric systems and online applications, tracking student hours and staff hours has been an essential process. The administrators expect the employees to keep track of their check-in time as well as check out time and the attendance of students on a daily basis. Manual timekeeping methods take a toll on employee productivity. It also leads to inaccuracies in attendance management. Without a reliable attendance management system, it is difficult for organizations to manage attendance and payroll. Replacing manual systems with an appropriate attendance management software will help institutions to save time, increase efficiency, minimize errors and maintain accurate records.

An attendance management system can keep track of employee working hours, time-off, break time, login-time, departures, students’ attendance etc. The system not only keeps an accurate track of presence and absence but also reduces the time and cost the HR team and office staff spend on attendance management activities. The system also maintains an accurate record of the student attendance and offers timely summaries. Teachers can simply mark attendance in just a tap. It reduces the extra effort required to mark the attendance manually. The fast and accurate system also avoids incorrect and duplicate data entry. You can create attendance reports at a click of a button.

A web-based software tracks, stores and displays up-to-date data. By using this system, administrators can get rid of spreadsheets and paper. Storing employee and student data in a cloud-based system also helps the administrators to increase accuracy, secure data storage, reduce time, reduce administrative work, save money and increase efficiency. Such a system also eliminates missed punches, incorrect time entries and maintains data with a little supervision. School authorities can access reports and summaries related to attendance records. A person can easily integrate the system with other software used for payroll and accounting.

Importance of Attendance Management Software

We have already seen that attendance management is a crucial task for all institutions. Schools of all systems are in need to incorporate a proper and accurate attendance monitoring system that smoothens the administration process. In today’s world, attendance management software is essential to manage all the complicated tasks connected with attendance. The attendance system has evolved from manual records to punching cards to biometric and cloud supported online management software.

With the help of an attendance management software or a mobile application, teachers can easily mark attendance in less than a minute. The system is capable of storing a vast data record of student attendance. The administrators can opt for a cloud-enabled system which provides a single sign-on feature. Such software enables a user to sign in and access data from anywhere at any time. The data collected through this system helps educational institutions to move in the right direction and improve productivity. HR managers can create leave policies with the help of reliable attendance management software.

Most of the applications come with various features like an accurate clock in and out, absence management, employee management, payroll integration, compliance & regulatory norms, android, ios, windows & cloud support, elimination of missed punches and reports & insights. A user is able to view data on a real-time basis from anywhere at any time. Employee-wise attendance details help the payroll department to process salaries for teaching and non-teaching staff in a school. Administrators can check the attendance reports on occasions like an inspection or internal audits.

Advantages of Attendance Management System

student attendance management system software free download

Cost reduction

Automated time and record management system reduce cost by automating a number of tasks and eliminating the need for papers. The application also helps to save the money lost through payroll errors.

Easy reporting

Real-time reports provide insights to the management to make better decisions. Most of the applications offer a feature to view and download reports in various formats. Administrators can create customized attendance dashboards for their reference.

Easy integration

We can easily integrate the software with other administrative systems like biometric and swipe systems. You can also create customized attendance policies as per the need of your institution.

Leave management

A cloud-based leave management system helps to automate leave management in one click. It streamlines tracking, managing, granting and rejecting leaves.


With a click, you can generate reports that show employee/student details like days/hours worked or present, absence details, overtime etc. Administrators can utilize graphical versions of the report in their decision-making process.

Reduced administrative load

As the system automatically collects data, there is no need to spend hours tracking the attendance. The elimination of manual work on attendance will help you to utilize time for other important activities.

Improved productivity

In manual tracking, it takes time and a lot of resources to process sheets and create schedules. By using an automated system, an institution can save time and optimize the use of resources to increase productivity.

Various firms offer free attendance management products that provide many advantages. If you search for ‘attendance management system software free download’ on Google, you can find many free attendance management systems as a result. Even, some of the attendance systems provided below are free to use. You can also make a check on open source systems by doing a Google search on ‘attendance management system open source’.

Here are some popular attendance management solutions that would be beneficial to your institution in managing attendance and other administrative tasks.
Kissflow HR Cloud

Kissflow is an optimal attendance management software for your institution. It is a simple and smarter system that can assist you in managing all HR-related tasks. The application provides support in attendance management, onboarding, leave management and various other tasks.

Key Features: real-time information dashboards, analytics, custom reports, optimization and auditing of processes, visual process design.

Website: https://kissflow.com/hr/

A cloud-based platform that automates various HR processes. GreytHR assists you in disbursing your payslips with one click. The firm offers products for managing payroll, attendance, leaves and employee self-service. They provide real-time integration with attendance recording devices. 

Key Features: payroll, leave tracking, real-time attendance, managing employee records, mobile applications for employees.


Website: https://www.greythr.com/ 

Zoho People

Zoho takes care of your administrative processes from hiring to attendance management and much more. Zoho people is an integrated app that comes with payroll and attendance management. You can start exploring Zoho by visiting their website.

Key Features: attendance, payroll, leave management, performance reviews, onboarding, payroll integration, employee self-service, customization, analytics and much more. 

Website: https://www.zoho.com/people/ 

Kronos Workforce Management

Workforce management solutions by Kronos offer solutions regardless of the industry. It is a customer-centric system that helps to drive business outcomes and increase productivity. We can access the application from any device.

Key Features: time & attendance, forecasting & scheduling, absence management, labour activities, analytics, data collection.

Website: https://www.kronos.in/products/workforce-management 


A school management system that focuses on all your HR needs. SumHR is a cost-effective management system that provides reliable support. Make a big difference in managing the HR tasks in your school using SumHR. Get a demo or start a trial on the website.

Key Features: employee database, biometric device, web attendance, online payroll, GPS clock-in, geo-fencing, onboarding, reports, biometric devices, leave tracking etc.

Website: https://www.sumhr.com/

Keka is a new generation HR and payroll system. Their products help to manage complex tasks such as onboarding, payroll, attendance etc. The application is suitable for all businesses.  Check the free trial they offer on the website.

Key Features: payroll tracking, analytics, employee management, hiring & onboarding, performance reviews, leave management, security.

Website: https://www.keka.com/
Wallet HR

Wallet HR is an easy to use application that provides on-cloud and on-premise support. Their solutions aim to simplify various hectic tasks including attendance & leave management. The firm serves more than 400 customers. Visit the website to get a demo.

Key Features: attendance, leave management, analytics, payroll management, timesheet management, visitor management, mobile access and much more. 

Website: https://www.wallethr.com/  


A smart HR system for today’s world. The system offers smart policies and easy integration with features like fully customizable leave policies and flexible attendance management. Quandle serves more than 20 industries with their end to end HRMS software.

Key Features: attendance, payroll & leave management, employee records, employee self-service, reporting and analytics, shift planning, recruitment and so on. 

Website: https://www.qandle.com/

HR mantra is a firm that started offering HRMS solutions since 1998. Their monthly payroll system, leave management, analytic tools and other solutions help to automate HR processes in a better way. The company has won many prestigious awards for its HRMS excellence. 

Key Features: attendance, recruitment, leave management, payroll, employee management, performance management, mobile application.

Website: https://www.hrmantra.com/

Manage your hiring process & employee management using Freshteam, a smart HRMS software. Freshteam assists you in making impactful HR-related decisions. More than 3000 firms trust their solutions in managing hectic activities. Visit the website to sign up for free & request a demo.

Key Features: applicant tracking, onboarding, employee information, reports, easy access, time off details, email conversations and much more. 

Website: https://www.freshworks.com/hrms/
CEIPAL TalentHire

It is an AI-powered applicant tracking software. The CRM of this application can attract and ensure that your candidate outreach goes high.  They offer a free demo. Log on to the website to see how it works.

Key Features: email sync, customizable, candidate screening, candidate matching, onboarding, employee management, analytics & reporting, employee self-service etc.

BatchMaster HeRd 

A 360 degree HR & payroll management software that fit your needs. The application focuses on complete automation of HR processes from attendance to payroll to performance appraisal. You can set attendance policies and get rid of manually updating data.

Key Features: employee dashboard, analytics, time management, attendance, appraisal, employee self-service etc.  

Website: https://www.batchmaster.co.in/herd/hrms-system.aspx

An easy to use HRMS that supports various industries. eliteHRMS is a reliable system that provides us with options like payroll, dynamic reports and databases. They offer quality support for all customer queries. The system provides reliable solutions for shift management and leave management.

Key Features: email & SMS, attendance management, easy integration, graphical charts, custom dashboards, appraisal management and much more. 

website: http://elitehrms.com/
HROne – Complete HR Software

HROne serves a large number of customers in India. Various industry leaders trust this solution to manage their daily HR-related tasks. It is an all-in-one HR solution that suits your organizational requirements. You can check the features by a very quick demo provided on their website.

Key Features: attendance, payroll, workforce management, employee engagement, recruitment etc. 

Website: https://hrone.cloud/
Timelabs Professional

Timelabs offers cost-effective automated attendance management solutions. With this software, your institution can save a lot of time and reduce errors. Their solutions are web-based and you can access them from anywhere at any time. Fill in the form on the website to get an online demo.

Key Features: student attendance, payroll, biometric solutions, leave management, employee self-service.

Website: https://www.timelabs.in/

It is a cloud-based solution that provides real-time tracking and workforce management. With personalized attendance and absence management, securtime helps to eliminate payroll errors and increase productivity by managing leaves and schedules. Employees can access personalized dashboards from anywhere. 

Key Features: attendance, shift management, time management, payroll, absence management, analytics etc.

Website: https://www.securtime.com/
Saral PayPack

Saral offers on-premise and cloud solutions. Users can customize the solutions according to their needs. They have a highly experienced team who can support you in payroll processing and managing regulatory compliance. 

Key Features: time & attendance management, salary management, leave management, employee self-service, statutory compliance, analytics. 

Website: https://www.saralpaypack.com/

HRMTHREAD is a web-based HR and payroll software. They serve various users across India. You can easily integrate the system with biometric and other attendance systems. The website of HRMTHREAD offers a free trial.

Key Features: attendance, leave management, overtime management, employee self-service, payroll, reporting, HR processes, tax management.

Website: https://www.hrmthread.com/

An HRM system that manages independent employee needs and employer business goals. Startups, mid-sized institutions and large institutions can opt for this solution, irrespective of the size of the firm and number of employees. The software is cloud-based and keeps upgrading regularly. 

Key Features: payroll, employee attendance, leave management, employee monitoring, onboarding etc.

Website: https://pulsehrm.com/
Keepor – Keep Organize your HR and Payroll 

Keepor is an HR and payroll solution with SAAS model. Get a free demo on the website. With the help of Keepor, school management members can administer 500+ employees. Organizations can store employee information and give access to only authorized persons.

Key Features: payroll with attendance and leave management, security, leave management document management, integration with attendance machines.

Website: http://calimex.net/solutions-keepor.php

More than 90 countries in the world use Calamari ERP system to manage their HR activities. It is a cloud based software that provides its interface in various languages. The company offers products that manage leave and attendance. Try it for free from the website. 

Key Features: time tracking, attendance, timesheet report, payroll export, time off, remote work, manual entries etc.

Website: https://calamari.io/ 

HR Mangtaa 

Improve your decision-making process with real-time analytics from HR Mangtaa. You can digitize all your HR processes with this powerful, automated HR and payroll system. It is a complete cloud-based software that supports small, medium and large establishments. The firm offers biometric devices to manage attendance.

Key Features: payroll, leave and attendance management, employee management, time and location tracking, loans, claims, performance management and much more. 

Website: http://hrmangtaa.com/

Pocket HRMS

Pocket HRMS is a popular HR & payroll software in India. The cloud-based HR system presents us with a user-friendly dashboard. Online attendance system of this application offers us benefits like automated updates, intelligent reports and error-free payroll. Their website provides a 15-day free trial. 

Key Features: payroll, attendance & leave management, biometric tracking, monthly & annual reports etc. 

Website: https://www.pockethrms.com/
Spine HR & Payroll 

Spine has various solutions for HR, payroll and employee management. Their services are available in the form of cloud as well as on-premise. The company serves more than 15000 users & 4000+ clients. Register for a free demo on the website. 

Key Features: onboarding, payroll, attendance, leave management, timesheet, training, recruitment etc. 

Website: https://spinetechnologies.com/
Farsight HCM Engine – Complete HR Solution

Easily manage your employee life cycle with Farsight. They can provide intelligent tools based on your infrastructure’s existing technology. You can regularize attendance using geofencing and geotagging. Try it for free by visiting the website.

Key Features: attendance & leave management, onboarding, offboarding, payroll management, timesheet, performance management, synchronized solutions.

Website: https://farsighttechnologies.com/

Clockify is a 100% free time tracking software. Unlimited users can track work hours across projects for free. Users have options to track attendance and billable hours with a simple timesheet and tracker. All data is synced online, you can track it from anywhere. 

Key Features: timekeeping, reporting, team activity, projects, attendance etc.

Website: https://clockify.me/
ADP for Time Management 

ADP is an HR and payroll solution provider that provides the users with various automated HR, payroll & tax services.  They provide service to businesses of all sizes. You can schedule a demo by visiting their website. 

Key Features: payroll, time and attendance management, HR solutions, optimized scheduling, leave management,  integrations, recruitment, workforce management. 

Website: https://www.adp.com/
Kissflow Process

Kissflow process is another cloud-based management solution from Kissflow. The application comes with an easy to use interface and real-time analytics. The most advanced companies in the world still depend on Kissflow to manage their business schedules. Experience process management like never before by visiting their website.

Key Features: dashboard, analytics, reporting, process optimization, process audit, visual process design. 

Website: https://kissflow.com/workflow/

Mitrefinch’s time and attendance management software is a better solution to increase productivity and save time. They offer cloud-based and on-premise solutions. The software can track multiple aspects of the system at the same time. To explore the features, check the free demo available on their website.

Key Features: time & attendance management, absence management, scheduling, biometric scanning, facial recognition, swipe cards, real-time reports, integration with other systems.

Website: https://mitrefinch.com/

A cloud-based HRMS that facilitates the automation of HR, payroll and workforce management. They have a simple and effective model which a person can easily implement without any technical knowledge. The attendance management module of the application provides various unique features like missing attendance notification and mobile-based tracking.

Key Features: payroll, attendance, training, talent management, documentation.

Website: https://www.hrmates.com/

EasyClocking serves more than 50,000 companies. You can easily manage employee data and make real-time decisions with the assistance of this software. The firm offers biometrics and other attendance management accessories. Easyclocking is a web-based software.

Key Features: attendance, online timesheets, payroll, mobile access, scheduling, time-off management, geo punches etc.

Website: https://easyclocking.com/
Matrix Cosec 

Matrix Cosec is a people mobility management solution for modern organizations. Matrix’s time-attendance and access control devices are robust in performance and easy to use. Attendance management solutions of this firm include Aadhar enabled attendance management and time & attendance control for small firms as well as the large firms.

Key Features: visitor management, employee self-service, shift management, reports, scheduling, payroll etc. 

Website: https://www.matrixaccesscontrol.
SmartH2R (Re-branded from SmartHR)

The HRMS solution, SmartH2R can assist you in handling various HR processes. It is more of a solution to various tasks that come under the HR division. The system helps to automate all functions from joining, training, payroll, attendance and leave, appraisal etc. 

Key Features: payroll, leave management, time & attendance, employee database, onboarding and much more.

Website: https://sdlglobe.com/hrms.html

An easy to use software that saves a lot of time. Gradelink provides various school management activities with an easy to use interface that they continually upgrade. They also provide unlimited support via phone and email. Watch a demo by visiting the website. 

Key Features: administrative reports, attendance management and detailed attendance reports, class management & scheduling, communication, integration, student information etc.

Website: https://www.gradelink.com/
Sage HR (formerly CakeHR)

Sage HR is a software development company that offers time & attendance, payroll and recruiting solutions. The customizable products of Sage HR support small and medium-sized institutions. Transform your HR department with solutions and their add-ons from Sage. 

Key Features: payroll, attendance management, web-based, employee self-service, time off and absence tracking etc.

Website: https://www.sage.com/en-us/products/sage-hrms/

People works help to meet your organization’s HR goals. With 20+ years of expertise, the advanced system focuses on streamlining entire human resource operations. They cover operations right from employee hiring to retiring. The company has received several awards for their service.

Key Features: geo attendance, payroll, recruitment, talent management, biometrics, timesheet etc.

Website: https://www.peopleworks.in/

ZingHR aims to accelerate your organization through digital automation. Besides attendance management, they offer various other automated solutions. Along with geofencing, the solution also provides options like quick leave application and details of time swaps.

Key Features: biometric, chatbots, geofencing, face recognition, documentation, onboarding, time and attendance management, talent management and much more. 

Website: https://www.zinghr.com/

People works help to meet your organization’s HR goals. With 20+ years of expertise, the advanced system focuses on streamlining entire human resource operations. They cover operations right from employee hiring to retiring. The company has received several awards for their service.

Key Features: geo attendance, payroll, recruitment, talent management, biometrics, timesheet etc.

Website: https://www.peopleworks.in/
EDUMAAT – Imagine Greatness

EDUMAAT is an educational management system that you can perfectly integrate with other educational solutions. The application is user friendly and works on any device. Their ISO certified products offer you 24/7 support. The application offers various modules like admission, attendance, admission, fee management etc. 

Key Features: biometrics, RFID devices, BlueTooth devices, mobile app, SMS & email, integrations. 

Website: https://edumaat.com/

A powerful and easy to use time management software. OnTheClock helps over 10,000 firms to manage attendance. Employees can clock in from their PC, phone or using fingerprint. Try it for free from their website. 

Key Features: payroll integration, GPS integration, mobile time clock app, paid time off, reporting, scheduling & break management. 

Website: https://www.ontheclock.com/ 


Track employee time anywhere with ubiAttendance. Using this application, you can easily convert your phone into a biometric device. The application offers a 4-way check through User + Time + Selfie + Location. They serve clients in over 50+ countries.

Key Features: face detection, biometrics, budget-friendly, visitor management, payroll, absence management, analytics, time off data.

Website: https://www.ubiattendance.com/

The complete HRMS suite that offers assistance in HR, payroll and workforce management. Their advanced analytic and timesheet provide assistance to get complete control over attendance, recruitment, onboarding and other similar tasks. Book a demo by visiting the website. 

Key Features: payroll, timesheet, analytics, cloud-based, all-in-one dashboards, customizable, leave management, integrated mobile attendance.

Website: https://www.zimyo.com/ 


Improve your work habits and keep all the attendance management activities on track through DeskTrack. More than 800 companies trust DeskTrack in administering their HR tasks. Their automated time tracking system increases productivity by identifying time spent on irrelevant tasks. 

Key Features: time graph, automated reporting system, attendance & timesheets, salary calculator, private time tracking.

Website: https://desktrack.timentask.com/

OfficeTimer is a free time tracking and project management system. The software is easy to use with unlimited tasks and unlimited time tracking. You may download the mobile application of OfficeTimer as it supports both platforms, Android & iOS. You can also use their web app.

Key Features: time tracking, timesheets, geotagging, set leave policies, invoice & billing, unlimited users. 

Website: https://www.officetimer.com/
Iolite School Management Software

Iolite school management system allows you to automate all school activities. They aim to bring parents, teachers and students on a single platform. The system provides facility to manage various tasks like administration, academics, finance, attendance, HR etc.

Key Features: online student & staff attendance, reports, day boarding attendance, lunch attendance and snacks attendance.

Website: https://www.iolite.org.in/ 


A cloud-based HR and payroll system to streamline your organizational goals. Various reputed firms across India use factoHR as a payroll solution. To explore the system features, you may check the demo available on the website. 

Key Features: staff management, onboarding, payroll management, attendance & leave, travel & expense management, performance management, mobile application.

Website: https://factohr.com/
Time Doctor

A perfect time tracking software with customizable features.  Time Doctor offer dashboards for the supervisors to make a check on the employee’s productivity. The application offers various time management and payroll options. Try it out on the website.

Key Features: time tracking, reports, payroll, integration, attendance tracking, supports various devices, break tracking.

Website: https://www.timedoctor.com/

CuckooTech attendance management system is the best option for customized attendance scenarios. They provide real-time attendance data without any lag. Visit the website for a demo.  

Key Features: attendance system rules, roaster, attendance controller, my attendance, attendance compliance, attendance miss & analytics, sap integration, biometric attendance system, realtime biometric time attendance, fake finger detection sensor, biometric attendance devices, service & support.

Website: https://cuckootech.com/

QuikrVisit put forward simple solutions to solve complex problems. They constantly keep innovating their product to provide effortless user experience and improved features. The cloud-based application from this firm supports mobile phones and tablets. You can integrate the application with other ERP solutions. 

Key Features: location tracking, sales tracking, attendance, photo upload, route plan, work offline, reporting and analytics.

Website: https://quikrvisit.com/ 


SocietyConnect is an apartment management system that simplifies tasks such as finance management, visitor management, resident communication etc. The cloud-based application comes with an easy to use interface. Request a demo by visiting their website. 

Key Features: documentation, billing, activity calendar, accounting, security, movement tracking, visitor notification.

Website: https://www.societyconnect.in/

Easily manage your employees using PeopleApex’s cloud-based solutions. The robust and secure platform of PeopleApex enhances productivity and helps to digitize all the HR processes. The attendance management system of this application provides you with geotagging, managing leaves, defining holidays and various other features.

Key Features: time and attendance, recruitment, onboarding, workforce management and much more.

Website: https://www.peopleapex.com/

Deliver, track and manage your workforce using WorkPro, a simple workforce management program made for easy employee management. The single platform of WorkPro can manage background checks, e-learning, work rights and much more. Try it for free by visiting the website. 

Key Features: dashboards, automatic reminders, reporting, finance management, e-learning, time tracking, customization. 

Website: https://www.workpro.com.au/


An integrated school management system that helps to handle various academic tasks like attendance, homework, timetable etc. The application offers parents and teacher’s login options. It runs on PCs and Android phones.

Key Features: registration, attendance, events, curriculum schedules, progress reports, fee reports, notification, data analytics, bus tracking, mobile app, staff management and more. 

Website: https://schoolknot.com/

Powerful software for managing talent and human resources. The software helps in organizing all information that you gather through the employee lifecycle. Their notable services include hiring, onboarding, time tracking and performance management. Take a video tour by visiting the website.  

Key Features: attendance, analytics, employee records, reporting, mobile application, onboarding, offboarding, electronic signatures, paid time off etc.

Website: https://www.bamboohr.com/

eskooly is a free online school management software. You can manage learning, administration and management activities of schools, colleges and other educational institutions using this application. They offer various modules such as school info, attendance management, classroom management, various portals for users, account management and many more.

Key Features: free software, interactive & responsive design, data records, infographics, secure & easy, web-based.

Website: https://www.eskooly.com/
Kronos Time Tracking Tools

Kronos allows a user to track employee time, attendance and employee activity. They provide specialized time and attendance tracking products to optimise your workforce. Check out their wide range of time management products by visiting the website.

Key Features: labour tracking, data collection, IVR, datasheet, scheduling, absence management, analytics, automated time and attendance. 

Website: https://www.kronos.in/products/time-and-attendance
OPT HRMS Software

OPT HRMS ( opportune HRMS solutions) integrates HR knowledge, information and intelligence into useful software platforms. Time, attendance & payroll are fundamental parts of their HR applications. Along with attendance management, they also provide services like talent acquisition, onboarding and skill management. They serve more than 1,50,000 employees with automation systems.

Key Features: payroll, leave management, paid days calculation, multilocation, roaster, device management, employee self-service.

Website: https://www.opportune.in/

An enterprise facility management system that can handle complex tasks like asset management, visitor management, online payment and much more. Their application includes various tools like dashboards, online billing systems, automatic alerts etc. Option to request a demo is available on the website.

Key Features: vehicle tracking, face recognition, email &sms, analytics, timestamp & GPS location tagging, reporting, mobile app, IVR and much more. 

Website: https://isocietymanager.com/

Manage your attendance and improve your payroll & workforce through PayCare. PayCare provides you with various time and attendance modules. They offer payroll solutions as well as time & attendance plans. You will be able to reduce the time for processing employee timesheets and processing payroll.

Key Features: swipe cards, biometrics, timesheets, time & attendance, hand punch devices, leave management etc.

Website: https://www.paycare.org/

Gusto is an easy to use payroll and time tracking system. It is an all-in-one platform where you can find services like time management, payroll, integrations, recruitment, insurance, finance tools etc. Gusto makes it easy to set employees up and manage their payment.

Key Features: time tracking, time-off request, payroll, dashboards, holiday calculation, customization, reporting & analytics. 

Website: https://gusto.com/
Scientific Study – School Management

A complete educational institute management software with unique features to smoothen the administration. With Scientific study, you can manage administration, finance and academics. The system easily integrates with a wide range of other applications. Request a demo on the website. 

Key Features: line charts, pie charts, summary status, student attendance, GPS tracking, integrations, biometric machines and much more.

Website: https://www.scientificstudy.in/

Cloud HR Console

Cloud HR console is a cloud-based task automation system that offers a ready-to-deploy cloud-based payroll solution. They cover attendance & leave, payroll and employee management. 

Key Features: time tracking, leave management, employee management, timesheet management, detailed reporting, mobile responsive, attendance management, employee self-service, security & support, cloud-based storage.

Website: https://www.cloudhrconsole.com/

TimeMate is an attendance management and time tracking system. Their solutions include time management hardware devices and web solutions. TimeMate offer various options like punch-in punch-out, late coming, early going, overtime, holiday etc. that helps in managing employee time. 

Key Features: touch and face detection, timesheets, biometrics, card-swiping, payroll, leave management.

Website: https://www.timemate.in/

EM-HRMS helps in managing the employee life cycle. They implement HR, Payroll & talent management solutions. The firm can serve you with quality services such as HRMS solution, product support, employee self-service, onboarding, data analysis and many more.

Key Features: payroll, timesheet, leave management, attendance, employee data management, expense management, recruitment, geolocation tracking, flexible staffing, training etc. 

Website: http://eminfotech.com/
Darwinbox HR

Manage your employee lifecycle with Darwinbox HR, a deep tech HR technology suite. Darwinbox can assist you in managing and unifying talent acquisition, payroll, workforce management, talent management and analytics. Take a demo by visiting the website. 

Key Features: time & attendance, HR workflows, onboarding, workforce planning, recruitment, payroll, performance management, report builder, visual analytics. 

Website: https://darwinbox.com/

An application that uses cutting edge technology to manage visitor, society & accounting. Visit the website to explore features they provide to assist residence administrators, management committee members and security & staff. 

Key Features: visitor monitoring, digital records of entry & exit, biometrics, mobile access, staff management, communication, accounting, apartment management.

Website: https://www.nobrokerhood.com/
Digital School

Digital School is an advanced school/management system. It is an ISO certified system with unique features. Over 500 institutions trust this easy to learn the application in managing academics. Through this application, you can send student attendance details to the parents. The software supports multiple computer/mobile access. 

Key Features: easy to learn, online support, integrated attendance system, reporting, alert system, multi-login, salary management, regular updates.




Edumarshal is a cloud-based ERP system built for schools and universities. They provide affordable solutions with more than 45 modules. School ERP, College ERP and LMS are the main products of Edumarshal. You will receive 24/7 support from the team if you opt for their products. 

Key Features: data security, affordable, timetable generation, classroom management, attendance management, performance reports, examination management and much more. 

Website: https://edumarshal.com/

Focus ERP & CRM

A cloud-based system that suits small and medium enterprises. It is a secure cloud-based solution that offers 24/7 online access. The application helps to manage bills, projects and employees.  Request a demo and consultation on the website. 

Key Features: real-time analytics, complex process automation, custom dashboards, automated updates, workflow, production management, labour allocation and much more.

Website: https://www.focuserpsoftware.com/
Accord e-HR

Reduce your burden and create a better workforce with Accord e-HR. The human resource management system Accord e-HR offers both on cloud and on-premise solutions. They offer talent management, HR, workforce management & payroll solutions. 

Key Features: employee relation, recruitment & planning, performance & training, HR & payroll, time & attendance, analytics.

Website: http://www.accordehr.com/

MyGate is a community management system that provides visitor management, attendance management and various other solutions. The app reduces the hassles of authorizing entry of visitors. A user can choose any of the three packages; basic, premium and elite. You can schedule a demo by visiting the website.

Key Features: dashboard, visitor management, accounts and payment, data storage, communication management, staff management, helpdesk etc.

Website: https://mygate.com/

Bizex HRM is an all in one HRM suite. It is a user-friendly application built to assist small and large administrative groups across India. The company not only offers HRM solutions, but also services like project management and CRM. Get a 1-year free subscription of Bizex by visiting the website. 

Key Features: recruitment, HR letters, attendance, task management, payroll, leave management and many more.

Website: https://bizex.co.in/

MyGate is a community management system that provides visitor management, attendance management and various other solutions. The app reduces the hassles of authorizing entry of visitors. A user can choose any of the three packages; basic, premium and elite. You can schedule a demo by visiting the website.

Key Features: dashboard, visitor management, accounts and payment, data storage, communication management, staff management, helpdesk etc.

Website: https://mygate.com/

Boost your employee performance and take care of compliance using enable HR. With this application, you can securely store all employee information and access it from anywhere on any device. The application is cloud-based, so your data is safe in the cloud.

Key Features: employee details, employee handbook, leave policy, dashboard, work from home applications, timesheet, reporting, workflow management, checklists.

Website: https://www.enablehr.com.au/
Attendays HR Management Suite

Attendays automates all HR tasks in a single platform. Their solutions are ideal for all businesses. Attendays can help you in managing payments, reports, tracking etc. with their safe and secure platform. The application offers comprehensive functionality and easy information sharing. 

Key Features: payroll, time & attendance, leave management, shift management, employee self-service, biometrics etc.

Website: https://attendays.dayscholars.com/
WiFi Attendance

An optimal solution for tracking all your employees. Wifi attendance offers you three types of applications; a manager app, employee app and HR app. An HR staff can add employee details to the web database which helps the employees to perform various tasks like punching in & out, check holiday calendar, applying leaves etc.

Key Features: wifi attendance system, daily attendance tracker, real-time tracking, leave management, database.

Website: https://www.wifiattendance.com/

D-Edu ERP is a product of D-SIS, a digital solution provider for various organizations including schools. D-SIS have more than 11 years of experience in the area of digital automation. Their school management software supports educational institutes in managing information regarding academics, examination, attendance and other administrative processes. 

Key Features: attendance, payroll, Web Design, IVR etc.

Website: https://www.dsds.co.in/
Spinso Time Tracker

Spinso India provides ready to use CRM applications for individuals and startups. Their products consist of easy to install and easy to use solutions such as sales CRM, service CRM and timesheet. Time tracker is a timesheet software from Spinso that helps in project management and time tracking.

Key Features: time management, analytics & report, timesheet, leave management, expense management, holiday list, monthly summary, easy backup.

Website: https://spinso.in/
MARG ERP 9+ Attendance Management

Improve your business with the digital solutions of MARG. The company MARG provides better solutions and better products for a multitude of industries & establishments like retail, manufacturing, distribution, education etc. You can easily integrate their attendance management system with other devices. Visit the website to request a demo. 

Key Features: time tracking, attendance management, leave management, payroll integration, SMS, asset management. 

Website: https://www.margcompusoft.com/
Poise Payroll

Poise ERP offers web-based solutions at affordable prices. A user can customize their solutions to fit your needs. Their software offers accounting, payroll and inventory management. Small, medium and large scale enterprises can opt for their solutions. 

Key Features: payroll, attendance, biometrics, user-friendly, web-based, flexible, report generation, employee record, free upgrades.

Website: https://poiseerp.com/
Paywell Payroll Software

Paywell helps in managing the payroll of members up to 50. The application is customizable to individual requirements. Their powerful and flexible software is ideally suitable for small, medium and large enterprises with payroll requirements. The company provides individual customer support to each customer.

Key Features: integration, data record, reports, payslip, payroll, hr management etc.  

Website: https://www.paywell.co.za/

Bravo, a product of EDP soft, is a payroll processing software. It automates your payroll system and helps to avoid manual errors. EDP developed this product in the year 2009. The software especially suits manpower providers and outsourcing companies.  

Key Features: timesheet, data protection, easy to use, attendance, payroll, user-friendly, billing, employee management and other exciting features. 

Website: http://edpsoft.com/

Savisschools is a school management system with a free mobile app facility. The cloud-based solution for k12 schools offers preschool programs, after school programs and various other options. You can easily access this cloud-based system from anywhere. Register and start a free trial by visiting the website. 

Key Features: student record, a mobile app for parents, attendance, assignment, payment process, reporting, invoices and much more.

Website: https://www.savischools.com/

An easy to use payroll and HR system. With SMART PAYROLL, a user can easily calculate salaries and manage leaves. Quickly track and report on project hours and get the payroll right using this application. Visit the website to get a free one month trial. 

Key Features: payroll, simple to use, online support, automated payments, alert system, performance management etc. 

Website: https://www.smartpayroll.co.nz/

A cloud-based platform that enables HR management and payroll. Their products include software for managing HR, payroll, attendance, leave, performance, expense and recruitment. Employees can easily mark attendance using an app. Schedule a demo by visiting the website.

Key Features: HR & Payroll, time and attendance, leave tracking, reporting, employee self-service, timesheet etc. 

Website: https://quikchex.in/ 

uKnowva HRMS

uKnowva comes with all the important HR management features. It helps to manage people and automate HR tasks. The application allows a user to process the salary by a single click. HR managers can track leave and approve leave requests with the help of this HRMS solution.

Key Features: automated payroll, biometrics, dashboard, analytics, attendance, leave management, time management, salary slip, calendars & notifications and much more.

Website: https://uknowva.com/hrms
Pay IT

Pay IT is a web-based tracking and reporting application. It is a user-friendly software which provides an easy to use interface. Pay IT supports small and medium enterprises in managing time & attendance. 

Key Features: easy to use, payroll, time management, reporting, analysis, timesheet, accounting, absence management, customer management.

Website: https://www.fifthgentech.com/
ELMO Cloud HR & Payroll

A cloud-based human resource management system that assists in payment, hiring, people engagement, employee retaining and development. ELMO is an ISO certified firm. Their single integrated cloud system covers various areas of the HR and streamlines payroll management. 

Key Features: payroll time & attendance, onboarding, performance management, scheduling, real-time reporting, rosters etc. 

Website: https://elmosoftware.com.au/

ClassTotal is a cloud-based all-in-one class management system. They offer both student and teacher apps. The application covers various aspects of academic management such as attendance management, timetable management, fee management, exams and results, homework & assignments etc. 

Key Features: daily and monthly attendance records, mobile access, daily timetable, syllabus updates and much more. 

Website: https://classtotal.com/

Manage your social network and society by utilizing the exclusive mobile app from mynukad. The application features complaint management, visitor management, notice board and visitor management. More than 50k users depend on mynucad for managing complex tasks.

Key Features: complaint tracking, visitor management, absence management, society and neighbour info, payment and much more.

Website: http://mynukad.com/
eFACiLiTY – Time and Attendance

eFacility’s time and attendance tracking software help you to manage employee attendance and increase the efficiency of time tracking. Tracking employee attendance is now much easier with their mobile app. A demo of the features is available on the website. 

Key Features: shift calendar, shift management, rosters, attendance, leave management, mobile app, overtime reports, calendar, workflow management etc. 

Website: https://www.efacility.in/

Increase your employee engagement through the customizable HR solution from empxtrack. With the cloud HR platform, you can manage the workforce, process payroll, monitor attendance, manage offboarding and perform various other tasks. The software also features a solicit 360-degree multiple feedback from various sources. 

Key Features: leave management, attendance management, database, exit management, recruitment, performance management and much more.

Website: https://empxtrack.com/

MarkME is a simple attendance and leave management application for enterprises. You can easily mark the attendance with a single tap on the button. They offer an option to capture the location and photo of the employee in order to mark attendance and track employees.

Key Features: attendance, leave management, real-time status, monthly attendance, dashboards etc. 

Website: https://www.mobcast.in/
Crown HRMS

Crown HR services provide payroll and other HR-related services to various industries. It is a product of the firm Topsys. You can easily integrate this application with their own payroll product.

Key Features: attendance, payroll, outsourcing, recruitment, leave management, employee training, employee task allocation system, exit management system.

Website: http://www.topsyssolutions.com/

Clubgro offers productive solutions to manage your business. The application is available on desktop, android & iOS. You can choose from various plans they provide according to the business. Start your free trial by visiting the website. 

Key Features: admission, attendance, time tracking, academics, payment, invoices, dashboards, onboarding,  notifications, biometrics etc. 

Website: https://clubgro.app/

An advanced time software that manages time and attendance data. The application is best suited for retail, education, banking and various other industries. They provide solutions in the form of suites called smart office web and smart office desktop. They also offer an employee self-service feature for the employees to check their attendance.

Key Features: time management, shift management, attendance, reports.

Website: http://smartofficesuite.in/

What are the best ways to automate student attendance in schools?

An attendance management system can be beneficial to your institution in many ways. Notable features like time tracking, absence management, payroll calculation etc. have made the system more reliable and easy to use. Here are a few important features that an automated attendance management system offers:

Accuracy, reliability and flexibility

The application provides us with accurate details of employee logins, student/staff presence and absence. The payroll department can generate employee wise attendance reports. At the end of the month or week, employees can make a check on their attendance, if they have missed marking present on any day.

Mobile accessibility

People can review data on a real-time basis from anywhere from any device. Most modern applications are cloud-based, so a user does not require it to install it in their device. Employees who travel to different locations can mark their attendance from their location.

Easy and seamless integration

We can easily link the system with payroll and other systems like leave management, where employees can apply for leave and check the status of approval from the manager.

Data security and safety

Educational institutions are able to easily store the data on the cloud system. Integrating attendance systems with devices like biometric machines helps to fetch data while processing payroll.

Cost-effective and error-free

Both large and small educational institutions can afford attendance management software. It is a cost-effective software as it helps the institutions to save time and resources they spend for manual attendance tracking.

Analytics on attendance

The administrators can easily get a report of student and staff attendance. They will be able to know who all are present in the institution on a real-time basis. The management can use this data in the evaluation report of each employee.

Statutory & Regulatory Compliance

Automatic attendance management system complies with the labour laws. The system can keep administrative operations in line with the rules and regulations of your organization. An admin is able to easily generate attendance reports at the time of an inspection.

What are the best ways to automate student attendance in schools?

There are various ways in which a school can automate student and staff attendance. Each school can choose a system according to their requirements. Here are some popular methods of automating attendance management:

RFID Attendance Management

RFID stands for Radio Frequency Identification. It is an improved method of automating attendance. In this system, you need to install a radio frequency identification device at the entrance of a school, classroom or other important locations. Each student and staff will have a smart RFID card with a unique identification number printed on it. When they pass the card through the reader, the reader will scan the unique identification number and automatically marks the attendance. The reader can detect several cards at once, so it is easy to mark the attendance of multiple students simultaneously. If you are using an integrated ERP solution, the software can automatically fetch data from the RFID system.

Biometric Attendance Management

It is an electronic attendance management system that marks attendance by capturing fingerprints. In this system, you can record the fingerprint of each student/staff. We can then integrate the device with ERP software. When a person places his finger on the biometric system, the device verifies it with the original fingerprint of that person which is already stored in the system and marks their attendance. Utilizing such a highly reliable system reduces the chances of errors. We can easily fetch and view data from a biometric device by integrating it with an ERP system.

School App Attendance Management

School applications for attendance assists in managing attendance in schools, colleges and other institutes. Mobile applications and PC software for attendance management provides a reliable student management system. Teachers can mark attendance in less than a minute using a school app. The applications also provide options for the parents to send leave applications of their wards.

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